Triet Nguyen
Job title
System Administrator
Date hired
May 2015
Pawtucket, RI
Bachelors of Science in Cybersecurity and Networking from Roger Williams University
How I came to be an MRC employee
College internship through Roger Williams University/Southeastern New England Defense Industry Alliance (SENEDIA)
What I like best about working at MRC
Being able to work directly with our leadership to make improvements to our infrastructure and processes.
How my work contributes to the overall mission of the Navy
Directly affects the security posture of the company – protecting information through best practices; implementing advancing technology and system improvements to streamline operations; enabling employees to perform tasking as needed.
Pivotal career moments/experiences
Implementing technologies to better analyze threats and improve visibility in our information systems
Hobbies/personal interests
Cars, hiking, photography
Career advice
Working in tech requires being well rounded in more than the tech itself. It helps to be proficient with analytical, communication, and multitasking skills along with the technical skills to be successful. Finally, always keep learning. The technology and risks in our field change rapidly, so we need to plan and implement to improve as well.